Список текстов песен element eighty

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Текст песни:

The day you left me
there was a feeling I have never shown
The day you told me
there were the words that I have never known
And now it′s over
So what′s left that I should ever feel
cause since the day you left me I have been so alone

And now we′re left with broken promises
my heart can′t take no more
and now we′re left with broken promises
my mind has had enough

Deep inside me
there are things that I have never told
they burn inside me
and now I need to know
Why are you trying to take everything away from me
well I′m begging you
I′m here with nothing left to show
cause since the day you left me I have been so alone

And now we′re left with broken promises
my heart can′t take no more
And now we′re left with broken promises
my mind has had enough

Look at how you turned on me
You ran away and left me here with nothing to see
I′m a man so turn around and say it to me
Don′t you think I′ve got something to say
Look at how you turned on me
You ran away and left me here with nothing to see
I′m a man so turn around and say it to me
Don′t you think I′ve got something to say
Now look at how you turned on me
You ran away and left me here with nothing to see
I′m a man so turn around and say it to me
Don′t you think I′ve got something to say

And now we′re left with broken promises
my heart can′t take no more
and now we′re left with broken promises
my mind has had enough
and now we′re left with broken promises
my heart can′t take no more
and now we′re left with broken promises
my mind has had enough

@ Element Eighty


Текст песни:

How far will you go for me till you break
I know you will leave me alone again
I know you want me to be everything to you
but I need something more than this

Inside of me
All my life I′ve waited for you to find me
Taken from me and now I′ll never know
just how it feels to need you

How far will you go for me till you break
I know you will leave me alone again
I know you want me to be everything to you
but I need something more than this

Burning in me
All my life I′ve waited to break this silence
and will I ever know
just how it feels to forget

How far will you go for me till you break
I know you will leave me alone again
I know you want me to be everything to you
but I need something more than this

Inside my head I know you understand
And now I am bending cause you will never understand

Right in front of me
All this time I never could see (Right in front of me)
Right in front of me
All this time I never could see (It′s right in front of me)

How far will you go for me till you break
I know you will leave me alone again
I know you want me to be everything to you
but I need something more than this

Right in front of me

@ Element Eighty


Текст песни:

Do you remember me
When I was younger
Before there were walls between us
All the times I′ve been gone
It has changed me
Can you please forgive me

You are the sacrifice I made
I know we′ve changed and the innocence is over now

Do you remember
Before the anger
Took you away from me
After everything we′ve been through
I still need you
Tell me is it too late

You are the sacrifice I made
I know we′ll never be the same
Cause you are the sacrifice I made
I know we′ve changed and the innocence is over now
It′s over now

All the times I′ve been gone
You were left alone
Can you forgive me now

Do you remember me
Cause I am older and now I realize

You are the sacrifice I made
I know we′ll never be the same
Cause you are the sacrifice I made
I know we′ve changed and the innocence is over now
This is over now

I know we′ll never be the same
You are the sacrifice I made
I know we′ve changed and the innocence is over now

@ Element Eighty


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